Luke Lieberman and Drew Moss take the She Devil with a Sword on a new adventure. Just when she thinks she's out, they pull her back in!
Red Sonja (Vol. 5) #27
writer: Luke Lieberman | artist: Drew Moss, Vincenzo Federici
covers: Jae Lee (A), Joseph Michael Linsner (B), Vincenzo Federici (C), Alessandro Miracolo (D), Rachel Hollon Cosplay Variant (E), Alessandro Miracolo (RI/Virgin), Vincenzo Federici (RI/Virgin), Joseph Michael Linsner (RI/BW), Jae Lee (RI/BW)
FC | 32 pages | Sword and Sorcery | $3.99 | Teen+
Red Sonja marches on, as their flagship title heads into bold, uncharted waters! Ten years have passed. Sonja is uninterested in battle…she’d rather eat meat and drink ale. But The Red’s hand will be forced, and she will answer the call to battle.
By LUKE LIEBERMAN (Red Sonja: The Price Of Blood) and DREW MOSS (Vampirella/Red Sonja).
Courtesy of Dynamite Entertainment
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