Allow us to beam with pride as our first blurb under Nine Panel Press has been included in this press release for one of the best Image titles currently out. It's rightfully being rushed back to print as readers agree, 'Stray Dogs' is a can't miss mini-series.

Stray Dogs #4 by Tony Fleecs and Trish Forstner—which just landed in stores last week—as well as Stray Dogs #1, have sold out completely at the distributor level. Image will fast-track both issues for reprints in order to keep up with overwhelming demand for the much talked about series.
"When Trish and I were cooking this thing up, texting drawings of dogs back and forth on scraps of notebook paper—we knew we were making something cool but we never imagined this many other people would think it was cool too," said Fleecs. "Stray Dogs #5 is a big one—big action, big drama. It's the end of our story and we're excited that all of the other issues will be back in print & available when it comes out next month."
In Stray Dogs #4, time is running out. Hackles are raised, tensions are high, and nobody’s had a thing to eat. When the Master’s away, the dogs will drag everything awful into the light. And the awful truth is nobody’s coming to set them free.
Available at comic book shops on Wednesday, June 23:
- Stray Dogs #5 Cover A - Diamond Code APR210337
- Stray Dogs #5 Cover B Horror movie homage variant - Diamond Code APR210338
- Stray Dogs #4, second printing - Diamond Code APR218875
- Stray Dogs #1, third printing - Diamond Code APR218874
Stray Dogs remains available for purchase across many digital platforms, including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, comiXology, and Google Play.

Courtesy of Image Comics
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