REVIEW: 'Made in Korea' #5 by Jeremy Holt and George Schall



Writer: Jeremy Holt

Artist: George Schall

Publisher: Image Comics

Release Date: October 20, 2021

Cover Price: $3.99


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★★★★☆ (4/5)

QUICK REVIEW: After the horrific events of the previous issue, memories haunt Jesse while she lives with Chul, the programmer that created her A.I. This new dynamic finds Chul trying to be a parent but nothing has prepared him to deal with a Proxy with such realistic emotional intelligence. His program works too well as Jesse deals with growing pains, or rather, the inability to physically grow. Chul is faced with and unprepared for dealing with a confused adolescent. It's relatable and heart-wrenching to see the pains of growing up even if Jesse is an android. 

Meanwhile, the walls may be closing in on Chul who will have to answer for his shenanigans at his old job. Jeremy Holt and George Schall have created a riveting sci-fi drama that is unexpectedly tender and sometimes shocking. Between Holt's words and Schall's sparse affecting visuals, you won't see a more thoughtful and heartbreaking story this side of Jeff Lemire than 'Made in Korea.' 
