PREVIEW: 'Pathfinder: Wake the Dead' #4 by Fred Van Lente and Eman Casallos



writer: Fred Van Lente

artist: Eman Casallos

covers: Steve Ellis (A), Biagio d’Alessandro (B), Eman Casallos (C)

FC | All Cardstock Covers | 32 pages | Fantasy | $4.99 | Teen+

 In Stores November 22, 2023

In this issue: A startling revelation threatens the fragile harmony of our increasingly fractious group, as the true purpose of their quest comes painfully into focus! Written by FRED VAN LENTE, illustrated by EMAN CASALLOS, and featuring stellar cover art by EMAN CASALLOS, STEVE ELLIS and BIAGIO D’ALESSANDRO, Pathfinder: Wake the Dead #4 also includes playable character stats officially sanctioned by the Pathfinder Society!

Courtesy of Dynamite Entertainment
