REVIEW: 'Beyond Real' #3 by Zack Kaplan and Vincenzo Riccardi



Writer: Zack Kaplan

Artist: Fabiana Mascolo, Toni Fejzula, Vincenzo Riccardi, Dennis Menheere, Jorge Corona, Luana Vecchio, Liana Kangas

Publisher: Vault Comics

Release Date: April 17, 2024

Cover Price: $4.99

An artist's style. June and her new allies escape to a breathtaking world where humanity is absent but all of nature is vibrantly personified. As June tries to use her powers to lead the trio to the simulation's final source, the world attacks them at every turn, threatening to drown them in doubt rather than let them find their way.


★★★★☆ (4/5)

QUICK REVIEW: Zack Kaplan's concept album of a woman trapped in a Matrix-like Wonderland illustrated by different artists every issue enters a colorful dreamworld unlike anything you've ever seen. Vincenzo Riccardi creates an intricate and awe-inspiring landscape full of colors and shapes that present one of many appearances together. Mountains that look like people, landforms that give way to monuments, and waterfalls that can scoop you up in the form of a hand, the imaginative panels yield multiple perspectives allowing the reader to linger on every image and find something new. It's a remarkable achievement in art found in any medium. June continues to search for the source with help from her newfound allies but new obstacles get in her way. Issue three takes us deeper into the rabbit hole providing more mystery, and intrigue, but not many answers and that's okay. Getting lost in Riccardi's work is worth it. 
