REVIEW: 'Love Me' #1 by Francesca Perillo, Stefano Cardoselli, and Lorenzo Scaramella



Writer: Francesca Perillo

Artist: Stefano Cardoselli, Lorenzo Scaramella

Letters: Buddy Beaudon

Publisher: Mad Cave Studios

Release Date: April 17, 2024

Cover Price: $4.99

New York City, sometime in the far future, where robots like JoJo have taken over the tasks humans no longer want to driving a taxi. JoJo is pretty happy with his lot in life but feels as though something is missing...then he meets Gilda and it's love at first sight. But the course of true love is a bumpy one and JoJo is going to find that out firsthand when he discovers that Gilda is entangled with the mafia that runs his beloved city, and they're very much against this potential union for their own reasons. Watch out, JoJo!


★★★★1/2 (4.5/5)

QUICK REVIEW: The title almost says it all, 'Love Me: A Romance Story,' is a romantic tale about finding a connection in the bustling streets of New York City. However, what the title doesn't allude to is that the lead is a blue-collar taxi driver who happens to be a robot. In the future, robots do the jobs humans don't want and so JoJo happily sets out every day with an upbeat attitude and drives its cab. When Gilda jumps in his cab they bond over music and JoJo is smitten. It's a wholesome romantic comedy that invokes the emotional highs of Pixar movies. 'Love Me' is charming and endearing with a cliffhanger that will tug at your heart and make you wonder what happens next. The art by Stefano Cardoselli and  Lorenzo Scaramella is utterly captivating. Wonderfully cartoony and colorful, the designs are so distinctive and intricate readers will linger longer on every page to see all the details. It's one of the most beautifully illustrated comics of the year so far. 
